Martin Assame is a physiotherapist working within a first contact role in the practice, enabling you to access assessment and advice regarding the management of any muscle, ligament, joint or bone problems you may have.
These healthcare professionals are all registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Health and Care Professions Council and are a valuable resource in helping us maintain the best patient care around managing musculoskeletal conditions.
The role of First contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway. FCPs are physiotherapists with expertise in the assessment and managemanet of Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. They may also be known as Advanced Practice Physiotherapists (APP) or MSK Practitioners.
You may be offered an appointment by one of our Receptionists when they Care Navigate or you can request an appointment.